New York Fashion Week will always be special to me. Ten years ago when I was flying between [my hometown of] St Louis, Missouri, and New York – if you told me I would still be in New York [today] I probably wouldn’t have believed you. New York Fashion Week will always have a special place in my heart.
I have applied [my classical ballet training] not just to my modelling, but also to everything I do. Ballet training is about flexibility and strength – you have to train for hours each day and it takes focus and dedication. Anybody who grows up as a dancer knows all about hard work.
Technology is ultimately shaping everything. The most powerful people at fashion brands and magazines know this. The crossover with technology and fashion is getting closer all the time.
I was really surprised at what a creative skill set [coding] is. I was meeting these entrepreneurs who were building amazing businesses through coding. It then started to grab my curiosity – what did these people know that I didn’t? That’s when I started really studying it.
There is a big gap in women’s representation in the coding industry. I decided to reach out through social media to see how many young women were interested, and I was blown away by the response and the amount of women wanting to learn how to code. I realised that we needed to do something. I wanted to open doors for [them]. That’s how [my program that empowers girls to learn how to code] Kode With Klossy was born.
“I always explore my passions. That’s what my projects are – passions or curiosities I had, and if they turn into businesses, then great.”
My coding proficiency is getting better. It’s like learning a language – that’s the best way to view it.
I programmed a drone to be able to pick up a cookie through code, which was super cool. Creating an app is certainly something that interests me in the future.
Christy Turlington is my absolute hero. She’s achieved great things as a supermodel, but she is so much more than that. The tireless work she has done for [her maternal health organisation] Every Mother Counts is inspirational. She has touched so many women’s lives and I am so proud to be able to call her a mentor and friend.

I always explore my passions. That’s what my projects are – passions or curiosities I had, and if they turn into businesses, then great. If it’s not something you believe in or are passionate about, then the reality is it’s never going to be sustainable.
I have [gotten] packing down to a fine art. I quite often travel with only a carry-on and pack outfits I can mix and match, which saves space, and only two pairs of shoes – sneakers and [something] dressy. Little bags are key as well. Nobody wants to be rummaging around looking for their charger, adapter or whatever. Be organised with little bags, people!
My top three tips for exploring a new city are to eat what the locals eat, throw yourself into their culture and if [there is] a beach, get there early so you can have a run on it or do some yoga before it gets busy.
I am so fortunate I get to travel a lot with my work. India and Antarctica are both on [my travel bucket list] for sure, but I also think it would be insanely cool to travel into space one day.
SEE ALSO: Celebrate local design with these stylish Singaporean fashion labels
This article was originally published in the September 2018 issue of SilverKris magazine.