1. National Dinosaur Museum, Canberra
Australia’s capital city is home to its largest array of dinosaur fossils. The museum contains 23 complete dinosaur skeletons and over 300 displays of individual fossils, and also conducts guided tours.

2. Iziko South African Museum, Cape Town
Want to learn more about the many dinosaurs that once roamed the African continent? Visit the museum’s “African Dinosaurs” exhibition for an exciting array of dioramas, skeletons and life-sized reconstructions.

3. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels
The museum’s Dinosaur Gallery houses Europe’s largest dinosaur hall, which spans 3,000m2. Check out 30 iguanodon skeletons, a plateosaurus that took 18 months to excavate and other impressive specimens.
SEE ALSO: Chris Pratt: “I’ve been working hard since I was 10”
This article was originally published in the June 2018 issue of SilverKris magazine.