I was 10 when I travelled by plane for the first time. Filled with fear and excitement, I boarded the Singapore Airlines plane that would bring us from Singapore to Perth for our first ever family vacation overseas. The flight attendant who showed us to our seats greeted me warmly by my name as she handed me a plush toy and asked about my vacation. I remember being both surprised and moved by this seemingly simple and unremarkable gesture. At that age, adults usually communicated through my mum or dad if they wanted to talk to me. Yet, here was a kind adult talking to me directly, and she had even bothered to learn my name. Since then, I have flown many times to places across the world, but the memory of my first experience in the skies has always been with me as I board my next flight. I will never forget how the cabin crew’s kindness made my younger, insecure self, feel just a little bit special that day.
Do you have happy memories or photos of your Singapore Airlines flight to share? Send them to yourstories@www.silverkris.com, and the most interesting submissions will be selected to appear on SilverKris.com. For more information, click here.
This article was originally published by Singapore Press Holdings.