The warm hospitality from Singapore Airlines starts from the check-in counter, where the staff always carry a pleasant disposition, carrying out their duties with professionalism and efficiency.
When you arrive at the boarding gate, you are greeted by at least two cabin crew members – and if you’re lucky, the pilot – who would guide you to your seats with kind hand gestures, while the cabin crew stationed inside are ever ready to help with my hand luggage.
The seats in economy are spacious for long haul flights and the inflight entertainment screen is big enough for my viewing pleasure after I’ve taken my pick from a variety of movies, games and music complemented with those dynamic headphones.
The refreshments are served immediately a few minutes after takeoff and the food onboard has always been superb. Sometimes, I do ask for seconds and the crew obliges if there are any extras available. I also appreciate their effort for attending to me when I ask for newspapers, a blanket, an eye-cover and socks, of which they would gladly arrange for swiftly and with a smile.
There have been a few times when the cabin crew acknowledged me with my name, asking if everything was all right and if I needed anything. That personal touch was a wonderful surprise.
When disembarking from the plane, the pilot would often come out from the cockpit and join cabin crew in greeting each passenger with a cordial “Thank you for flying with us on Singapore Airlines”.
After flying with quite a few airlines, I have come to realise that Singapore Airlines is the best of the lot and our national carrier will always be my first choice.
Do you have happy memories or photos of your Singapore Airlines flight to share? Send them to yourstories@www.silverkris.com, and the most interesting submissions will be selected to appear on SilverKris.com. For more information, click here.
This article was originally published by Singapore Press Holdings.